Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Lords score hat-trick of Housing Bill defeats

By Sam Clayden | 19 April 2016

The Government’s much maligned pay-to-stay policy suffered a hat-trick of defeats in the House of...

New ADASS president calls for BCF shake-up

By Sam Clayden | 18 April 2016

The new president of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) has called for...

Paying the price of growth

By Sam Clayden | 14 April 2016

While combined authorities could provide a vehicle for long-term economic growth, Freedom of Info...

Social care cuts based on 'flawed thinking'

By Sam Clayden | 14 April 2016

The shadow social care minister has claimed cuts to adult social care have been based on ‘flawed ...

Adult social care value call

By Sam Clayden | 14 April 2016

Adult social care needs more democratic clout if it is to overcome the financial pressures it fac...

Pilot will 'highlight flaws with retention'

By Sam Clayden | 12 April 2016

The chair of the Liverpool city region combined authority, one of the business rate retention pil...

'Worst Bill in decades' faces peers pummelling

By Sam Clayden | 12 April 2016

Lords hope to inflict more damage to the Housing and Planning Bill tomorrow and pile further pres...

The true cost of devo disclosed

By Sam Clayden | 12 April 2016

The cost to local government of delivering devolution can today be revealed by The MJ.

Lords defeat Whitehall's starter homes plan

By Sam Clayden | 12 April 2016

The House of Lords has defeated parts of the Government’s starter homes policy.

Cross-party call for Housing Bill changes

By Sam Clayden | 11 April 2016

A coalition of local government leaders across the political spectrum has called on Lords to back...