Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Right to buy amendment 'extends secretary of state's powers'

By Sam Clayden | 07 April 2016

New amendments to the Housing and Planning Bill could widen the secretary of state’s powers to fo...

Labour council leaders back EU membership

By Sam Clayden | 06 April 2016

Labour council leaders have voiced support for remaining in the European Union.

Birmingham chief issues STP warning

By Sam Clayden | 06 April 2016

Sustainability and transformation plans (STP) could provide the biggest source of savings for the...

Corbyn kicks off local election campaign

By Sam Clayden | 05 April 2016

Jeremy Corbyn has kicked off his party’s local election campaign by attacking the Government’s ac...

Councils 'should have power to refuse developers'

By Sam Clayden | 01 April 2016

MPs and heritage groups have called for councils to be given more powers after claims developers ...

Betts warning over rates relief

By Sam Clayden | 31 March 2016

Councils will always be at the mercy of Whitehall without proper fiscal freedoms, a senior MP has...

Academisation 'fails to address Northern Powerhouse needs'

By Sam Clayden | 31 March 2016

The chancellor’s forced academisation plans could hinder his own vision of a Northern Powerhouse,...

Croydon boss to take on West Sussex role

By Sam Clayden | 30 March 2016

Croydon LBC boss Nathan Elvery has confirmed he will be leaving the council to take on the chief ...

'Responsibility without power' after academisation

By Sam Clayden | 29 March 2016

Local authorities will be accountable for ensuring there are enough school places after academisa...

Treasury committee could investigate LOBOs

By Sam Clayden | 24 March 2016

Treasury select committee chairman Andrew Tyrie has hinted he will launch an inquiry into the sal...