Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Secretary of state to 'seize' housing development decisions

By Sam Clayden | 24 March 2016

In ‘another step away from localism,’ the Government is cutting local authorities out of major ho...

Social care reform could 'destabilise' children's services

By Sam Clayden | 23 March 2016

The rush to reform social care could destabilise and fragment children’s services, a prominent ac...

Osborne's schools pledge 'misleading'

By Sam Clayden | 22 March 2016

Council chief executives and experts have hit back at chancellor George Osborne’s drive to free s...

Ethical trading disputes could land authorities with hefty costs

By Sam Clayden | 22 March 2016

Councils facing legal disputes over decisions to cease trading and investment with countries on e...

Growth deals slammed over lack of transparency

By Sam Clayden | 22 March 2016

Communities secretary Greg Clark invited local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) to apply for a slic...

Business and local leadership will 'make or break' devolution

By Sam Clayden | 22 March 2016

Co-operation between businesses and local politicians is vital if devolution is going to be a suc...

Birmingham improvement panel steps back despite 'limited progress'

By Sam Clayden | 21 March 2016

Birmingham's independent improvement panel will step back for six months, despite concluding that...

Rate relief compensation 'nigh on impossible'

By Sam Clayden | 18 March 2016

The Government’s plans to reimburse local government for raising the threshold for small business...

MP calls for fresh look at North Midlands deal

By Sam Clayden | 17 March 2016

An MP has called on local leaders to reinvigorate the North Midlands devolution bid by including ...

Budget 2016: Academy plan will 'not improve standards'

By Sam Clayden | 16 March 2016

Fixating on giving schools independence will not generate improvement in education standards, cou...