Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Call for 'separate grant system' after rates retention

By Sam Clayden | 23 February 2016

Sector experts have voiced concerns over the redistribution of business rates after retention, wa...

London pension fund to merge assets with Northern Powerhouse

By Sam Clayden | 22 February 2016

London’s local government pension fund has outlined plans to pool assets with peers in the northw...

NHS facing crisis as trusts predict £2.3bn deficit

By Sam Clayden | 18 February 2016

NHS trusts are forecasting a £2.3bn end of year funding gap, escalating concerns over the quality...

LGA demands flexibility over starter home scheme

By Sam Clayden | 17 February 2016

Local government leaders have demanded more flexibility to determine the types of homes built, as...

Unison are debating 'no-cuts budgets'

By Sam Clayden | 16 February 2016

A local government union has denied backing no-cuts budgets despite its members voting to use res...

New chiefs for London boroughs

By Sam Clayden | 16 February 2016

The former Bolton MBC boss is expected to be named the new chief executive of Ealing LBC.

Social care crisis linked to rapidly rising death rates

By Sam Clayden | 16 February 2016

A think-tank has warned of the impacts of the burgeoning health and social care crisis after figu...

Local government must drive mental health prevention

By Sam Clayden | 15 February 2016

A new report has stressed the importance of the role of local government in the mental health pre...

Pension fund investment regulations could be 'disastrous'

By Sam Clayden | 15 February 2016

Forcing pension funds to follow UK foreign policy when making investment decisions could be ‘disa...

Ealing LBC to confirm new chief executive

By Sam Clayden | 12 February 2016

The former Bolton MBC boss is expected to be named the new chief executive of Ealing LBC, The MJ ...