Author Profile

Sam Clayden

Articles by Sam Clayden

Councils should get first refusal on right to buy resales

By Sam Clayden | 12 February 2016

A senior MP has suggested councils and housing associations should be given first refusal on righ...

Labour MPs hit out at finance settlement

By Sam Clayden | 11 February 2016

Communities secretary Greg Clark came under fire yesterday as the finance settlement was debated ...

Refugee distribution could be 'enforced' by law

By Sam Clayden | 10 February 2016

Arrangements for distributing asylum seekers could be enshrined in law, the refugees minister has...

Bucks interim chief named

By Sam Clayden | 10 February 2016

Buckinghamshire CC has named senior officer Neil Gibson as its new interim chief executive, subje...

Whitehall should fund right to buy

By Sam Clayden | 10 February 2016

The extension of right to buy to housing association tenants should be funded by Whitehall rather...

LGA Labour name new leader

By Sam Clayden | 10 February 2016

Newcastle City Council leader Cllr Nick Forbes had been elected as the new leader of the Local Go...

Devo could threaten localism, warns RSA

By Sam Clayden | 10 February 2016

Devolution to city regions and counties could suppress localism, a think-tank has warned.

IFS: Service quality will suffer

By Sam Clayden | 09 February 2016

The quality of services is likely to dip as public service spending falls to its lowest point in ...

Holyrood going 'direct to chief executives'

By Sam Clayden | 08 February 2016

Holyrood is going straight to chief executives to discuss the terms of the finance settlement, ac...

IPPR: 'Don't cut councils out of criminal justice system'

By Sam Clayden | 05 February 2016

Local authorities must not be bypassed by plans to hand greater controls over youth justice and p...