Author Profile

Sarah Longlands

Articles by Sarah Longlands

The restructure we require is not to be found in our town halls

By Sarah Longlands | 08 September 2020

The devolution White Paper will reveal Boris Johnson's 'northern growth body'. But this will have...

Plan, plan and plan again!

By Sarah Longlands | 14 July 2020

Sarah Longlands argues that 'if we really want to build back better, creating decent homes and co...

Level up, bounce back - wise up

By Sarah Longlands | 19 May 2020

Our recovery will be even slower, more difficult and unequal if it depends on waiting for Whiteha...

Now is not the time for Westminster to tighten its centralising grip

By Sarah Longlands | 25 March 2020

Reducing the spread of the virus requires Westminster to loosen the reins of power and to trust d...

Let's get serious about decent pay

By Sarah Longlands | 22 May 2019

If we are serious about building a resilient northern economy then we need to start with the peop...

The real task ahead after deal or no-deal is to reconcile the bitter divisions

By Sarah Longlands | 30 January 2019

If we are to overcome the divisive nature of Brexit, we must let people into the decision-making ...

The finite capacity of civil society

By Sarah Longlands | 13 November 2018

How much capacity has civil society got to absorb the increased demands on its financial and huma...

The North finds its voice

By Sarah Longlands | 19 September 2018

On 6 September I attended the first Convention of the North in Newcastle. This was an historic ga...

Where next for the Northern Powerhouse?

By Sarah Longlands | 24 July 2018

The current Northern Powerhouse debate is based on a very conventional model of economic growth. ...