Author Profile

Sarah Longlands

Articles by Sarah Longlands

Recruitment needs a radical rethink

By Sarah Longlands | 28 May 2024

A new approach matching people from disadvantaged communities with careers is bearing fruit in Bi...

'Fix the broken system'

By Sarah Longlands | 15 May 2024

Local authorities are taking the lead in trying to alleviate the climate crisis but there is a de...

Left and behind: women at work

By Sarah Longlands | 02 April 2024

Building gender equality and diversity into plans for economic growth has benefits for everyone, ...

Time for a fightback

By Sarah Longlands | 05 February 2024

Political parties think the general public doesn’t care about councils, which is why, electorally...

Right place and time for change

By Sarah Longlands | 20 November 2023

Despite more than a decade of austerity and no end in sight, local authorities do have the power ...

Leaping to a four-day week

By Sarah Longlands | 27 September 2023

CLES is permanently adopting a four-day working week, and Sarah Longlands says there is no reason...

A compelling vision

By Sarah Longlands | 24 July 2023

Sarah Longlands says we cannot let pragmatism dampen our belief in better times ahead and she set...

Be brave when times are tough

By Sarah Longlands | 30 May 2023

Inflation may have eased, but there are tough times ahead. Sarah Longlands urges local authoritie...

Getting healthier and wealthier

By Sarah Longlands | 04 April 2023

The potential of Integrated Care Systems to harness their economic heft and level up locally is e...

Investing in the basics

By Sarah Longlands | 30 January 2023

A new kind of northern politics needs a new kind of economic thinking, not the piecemeal approach...