Author Profile

Robin Tuddenham

Articles by Robin Tuddenham

Time for a new economic playbook for place

By Robin Tuddenham | 06 February 2024

More than ever, place-making needs to be at the centre of what councils do and not at a single sp...

Growth solution's key component

By Robin Tuddenham | 04 October 2022

Ahead of next week's 2022 Solace Summit in Birmingham, Robin Tuddenham says a properly funded, tr...

Re-stitching a brighter future

By Robin Tuddenham | 21 June 2022

Robin Tuddenham says that for levelling up to be truly effective it must be led by those who are ...

Joined-up action to aid street-based lives

By Marianne Huison | 14 September 2021

Calderdale’s trauma-based response to Burnt Bridges? is an example of why focusing on place-based...

Levelling up our health and wealth

By Robin Tuddenham | 12 January 2021

The current challenges can be a catalyst for a major rethink about how national and local governm...

Rebooting our sector

By Katherine Fairclough | 06 October 2020

Solace’s week of virtual learning Reflect.Reset.Re-imagine has begun. Here, three Solace spokesp...

Doing our best for Calderdale's kids

By Robin Tuddenham | 14 September 2020

Robin Tuddenham says a cautious approach to schools opening earlier in the year has made the full...

Children's services: the lives behind the numbers

By Robin Tuddenham | 08 August 2018

Behind talk of crisis and budget pressures are children, families and our workforce. It is time t...

Taking the lead on tackling poverty

By Robin Tuddenham | 19 May 2014

Calderdale MBC is taking the lead on tackling poverty.