Alison Scott looks at what the establishment of a police and crime commissioner will mean for Bri...
Alison Scott explains the benefits of the new local finance reform system for councils.
From next year, funding for local government is going to be radically different. Alison Scott giv...
CIPFA's Alison Scott asks, is local government a victim of its own success in delivering cuts?
Alison Scott looks at what the implications would be for the UK from the proposed EU austerity me...
We have a challenge to demonstrate that self-financing will remain sustainable says Alison Scott.
Alison Scott looks at the progress so far on the implementation of CIPFA's Infrastructure asset c...
Alison Scott looks at what self-financing will mean for local government as a whole.
In the words of the Bob Dylan song, The times, they are a changing, and many of the current chang...
The unusually mild autumn may make Christmas and the annual budget-setting process seem way off, ...
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