Author Profile

Alison Scott

Articles by Alison Scott

Closing the loop

By Alison Scott | 22 March 2016

CIPFA’s new expenditure and funding analysis can give local government a strong foundation during...

Accounts should be of interest to local taxpayers

By Alison Scott | 03 June 2015

In all our professional lives there are areas of expertise and focus that we view as an essential...

Navigating unchartered waters

By Alison Scott | 03 July 2013

The austerity programme has been a journey into unchartered waters, says Alison Scott.

Local government's prudential approach

By Alison Scott | 05 June 2013

As I sit here writing this, council reserves are once again under scrutiny, says Alison Scott.

The challenges facing new councillors

By Alison Scott | 08 May 2013

Its important new councillors are given an early induction in the constraints and opportunities o...

The polarised debate on welfare reform

By Alison Scott | 17 April 2013

Alison Scott says within any society, there are crucial decisions that have to be made between le...

Rethinking the debt cap

By Alison Scott | 13 March 2013

Public sector debt is not always a problem provided that it is sustainable, says Alison Scott.

Real democracy in action

By Alison Scott | 13 February 2013

Alison Scott on Eric Pickles criticising authorities increasing council tax.

Working together at a time of uncertainty

By Alison Scott | 22 January 2013

The ability to share knowledge and work together will be key over the next few months for local g...

The real meaning of localism

By Alison Scott | 31 October 2012

Alison Scott says real localism is self-generated and not granted by the Government.