Author Profile

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers is chief executive of Birmingham City Council and chair of SOLACE

Articles by Mark Rogers

Soapbox by Mark Rogers

By Mark Rogers | 24 April 2014

Birmingham CEX responds to 'Trojan Horse' inquiry and explains ‘doing with us’ is so much more ef...

Soapbox by Mark Rogers

By Mark Rogers | 26 March 2014

Councils can do without a 'Strictly Come Dancing' style ranking competition, writes Birmingham Ci...

Soapbox by Mark Rogers

By Mark Rogers | 26 February 2014

SOLACE president writes on the need for common development programmes for public sector professio...

Soapbox by Mark Rogers

By Mark Rogers | 29 January 2014

SOLACE president ponders the personal challenges of moving from Solihull to helm Birmimgham and w...

Investing in good governance

By Mark Rogers | 04 December 2013

As Lord Heseltine advocates scrapping chief executives, Mark Rogers claims good governance only c...