Author Profile

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers is chief executive of Birmingham City Council and chair of SOLACE

Articles by Mark Rogers

Reading the small print

By Mark Rogers | 25 May 2016

Mark Rogers gives his view on the Queen's Speech and considers hints at another devolution drive ...

Give us everything

By Mark Rogers | 12 April 2016

Mark Rogers says what local government really needs is commitment to devolution across Westminster

A lesson for us all

By Mark Rogers | 01 March 2016

Mark Rogers explains how a speech he gave to graduates helped him reflect on the public service v...

Taking stock of the year

By Mark Rogers | 22 December 2015

Mark Rogers reflects how his local government year has transformed the way he works as a chief ex...

What role for councils after Paris?

By Mark Rogers | 19 November 2015

Mark Rogers considers how local government is in a unique position to deal with the national resp...

Boys don't cry

By Mark Rogers | 20 October 2015

Mark Rogers reflects on how life lessons have affected his outlook on local government. Building ...

Keeping it real

By Mark Rogers | 06 October 2015

SOLACE president Mark Rogers explains to delegates at its annual summit why local government must...

Standing at the sky's edge

By Mark Rogers | 22 September 2015

Mark Rogers considers the financial precipice facing local government and asks what to do about s...

Local government is missing important trick

By Mark Rogers | 18 August 2015

Mark Rogers says devolution has pitched council against council and LEP against LEP while central...

Bill of bad omens

By Mark Rogers | 22 July 2015

There is an urgent need for more homes and councils should be given the flexibility to provide th...