Author Profile

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers is chief executive of Birmingham City Council and chair of SOLACE

Articles by Mark Rogers

Fear and loathing in St Albans

By Mark Rogers | 30 March 2015

SOLACE president Mark Rogers relates what he heard at this year's Future Forum - and what it poss...

Tackling evil at its root

By Mark Rogers | 03 March 2015

SOLACE president Mark Rogers calls for shared responsibility, shared accountability and unity at ...

The Commitments

By Mark Rogers | 09 January 2015

What kind of New Year resolutions should a chief executive make? Birmingham City Council chief ex...

Next year's model

By Mark Rogers | 08 December 2014

Birmingham City Council chief executive Mark Rogers gives a trenchantly tongue in cheek look at w...

Something wicked this way comes

By Mark Rogers | 11 November 2014

Public accountability is sharpening as the cash gets tighter and tighter, which means 'wicked' is...

Learning from Malala

By Mark Rogers | 13 October 2014

Local government can take inspiration from Birmingham schoolgirl and Nobel Peace Prize winner Mal...

Self challenge

By Mark Rogers | 07 October 2014

SOLACE president Mark Rogers previews the forthcoming annual summit to be held in Liverpool next ...

What would Joe do?

By Mark Rogers | 17 July 2014

As I write this, Birmingham has recently commemorated the centenary of the death of Joseph Chambe...

Soapbox by Mark Rogers

By Mark Rogers | 13 June 2014

In the aftermath of the Trojan Horse findings, the Birmingham City Council chief executive outlin...

The myth of trust

By Mark Rogers | 21 May 2014

Birmingham chief Mark Rogers on why empathy, respect and trust are essential and practical tools ...