Author Profile

Greg Fell

Articles by Greg Fell

Removing poverty's toll on health

By Greg Fell | 11 June 2024

As well as tackling the current poverty crisis, the next government must take a long-term, preven...

The case for a new Public Health Act

By Greg Fell | 07 May 2024

Greg Fell makes the case for a new and all-encompassing Public Health Act, and says preventing pe...

Reducing infant mortality in Sheffield

By Greg Fell | 06 March 2024

No one element made the difference when it came to reducing Sheffield’s disproportionately high i...

When prevention is the real cure

By Greg Fell | 06 March 2024

Greg Fell draws from examples across the British Isles to highlight some of the work done by dire...

Why climate change is health's biggest threat

By Darrell Gale | 15 January 2024

The health risks from climate change are considerable, but directors of public health are ideally...