Author Profile

Thomas Bridge

Articles by Thomas Bridge

The winds of change

By Thomas Bridge | 22 September 2015

Labour’s shadow cabinet has hit the ground running. But will its rhetoric of change surrounding l...

Clark backs Greater Yorkshire deal

By Thomas Bridge | 22 September 2015

Communities secretary Greg Clark has hinted he would prefer Yorkshire leaders to unite and form a...

Calls to scrap council home sell off

By Thomas Bridge | 17 September 2015

Local authorities could be forced to sell off 113,000 council homes under planned Right to Buy ex...

Female council workers still losing out over wages

By Thomas Bridge | 10 September 2015

Councils have been accused of ‘dragging their heels’ on equal pay, amid fears many female local g...

'Productive talks' will help SOLACE work with Treasury

By Thomas Bridge | 09 September 2015

Council self-sustainability and housing were on the agenda when the Society of Local Authority Ch...

Brown sets out devolution principles

By Thomas Bridge | 09 September 2015

Former prime minister Gordon Brown has pushed for a set of shared devolution principles, warning ...

West Somerset 'teetering on the edge'

By Thomas Bridge | 09 September 2015

A council on the road to recovery after being deemed ‘not viable’ by the Local Government Associa...

Reserves cap mooted for next Spending Review

By Thomas Bridge | 03 September 2015

Council reserves could be capped as part of cost-cutting efforts in chancellor George Osborne’s u...

Glasgow election an 'opportunity' to heal rift in Scotland – COSLA

By Thomas Bridge | 03 September 2015

A split in Scottish local government could be healed through negotiations with the new Glasgow Ci...

Summer Budget: Osborne cuts benefits cap amid sweeping tax credit reform

By Thomas Bridge | 08 July 2015

George Osborne has promised to forge a ‘lower welfare, lower tax’ Britain with plans to slash the...