Author Profile

Allen Graham

Allen Graham

Allen Graham is chief executive of Rushcliffe BC

Articles by Allen Graham

A powerful case of collaboration

By Allen Graham | 09 November 2016

Allen Graham explains how a local project has shown the importance of wider collaboration across ...

Feet on the ground

By Allen Graham | 07 July 2016

Allen Graham says the stakes have never been higher for district councils and leaders need to kee...

Time is right for districts

By Allen Graham | 11 May 2016

With so much now at stake, Allen Graham says districts must be fully engaged with devolution, bus...

A misplaced sigh of relief?

By Allen Graham | 03 December 2015

Allen Graham examines how Spending Review announcements will impact on districts and questions wh...

What came first: Devolution or collaboration?

By Allen Graham | 14 October 2015

Allen Graham tries to answer the perennial question and finds a solution for local government par...

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do

By Allen Graham | 23 June 2015

As the devolution and combined authority agenda progresses, district councils need build on their...

Nurturing local democracy

By Allen Graham | 13 May 2015

Following an election, there is often a lot of work that needs to be undertaken to support both r...

Driving reform

By Allen Graham | 03 February 2015

Districts are being offered a fundamental opportunity to be part of the wider public sector refor...

The race to make every vote count

By Allen Graham | 25 November 2014

Rushcliffe BC chief executive Allen Graham looks ahead to the 1 December publication of revised e...

Local face, local place

By Allen Graham | 06 November 2014

Tony Jackson and Allen Graham analyse the debate over devolution of powers, and assess what growt...