Author Profile

Allen Graham

Allen Graham

Allen Graham is chief executive of Rushcliffe BC

Articles by Allen Graham

Key role for local government vital to vaccination rollout

By Allen Graham | 01 December 2020

The sector, through its talented staff, elected representatives and influencers should be fully u...

Final reflections

By Allen Graham | 24 July 2019

The MJ columnist Allen Graham has stood down as chief executive of Rushcliffe BC. He says the sec...

Sufficient polling stations are essential to democracy

By Allen Graham | 22 May 2019

Allen Graham says he is continually impressed by how Rushcliffe BC's election staff respond to im...

A 'one bid per council' approach to high streets cash holds back collaboration

By Allen Graham | 13 February 2019

Allen Graham understands that bids for the Government's planned £675m future high streets fund wi...

Don't underestimate the perseverance of councils' unseen staff

By Allen Graham | 05 December 2018

District councils face another year of uncertainty as we strive to second guess the Fairer Fundin...

Social media can be a distraction as well as a useful tool

By Allen Graham | 16 May 2018

Allen Graham argues it is important to maintain a focused communication presence within an organi...

The prize is additional and fairer funding - not just redistribution

By Allen Graham | 20 February 2018

We need to make the case through collaborative data analysis of the real needs within and across ...

The knock on effects of the General Election

By Allen Graham | 10 May 2017

Allen Graham outlines the impacts of having two sets of elections so closely together.

Think globally, deliver locally

By Allen Graham | 14 March 2017

An ideal opportunity has materialised for district councils to deliver the industrial strategy at...

Handling fake news and misrepresentation online

By Allen Graham | 24 January 2017

Rushcliffe BC was recently the victim of a viral social media campaign. Allen Graham asks how cou...