Author Profile

Allen Graham

Allen Graham

Allen Graham is chief executive of Rushcliffe BC

Articles by Allen Graham

Collaborative partnerships within district councils

By Allen Graham | 09 January 2013

All the evidence suggests the best-performing districts possess a culture of collaborative workin...

Acknowledging the work of election teams

By Allen Graham | 14 November 2012

Allen Graham says chief executives should acknowledge the importance of the work of election teams.

How district councils can contribute to economic growth

By Allen Graham | 26 September 2012

Allen Graham on how district councils can provide an important contribution to the growth agenda.

The funding gap for district councils

By Allen Graham | 02 August 2012

There is an emerging view that district capacity to meet the funding gap will fall between the 'h...

The definition of vulnerable groups

By Allen Graham | 10 May 2012

Allen Graham says requests are still being made to government for an all-encompassing definition ...

Universal credit and council tax

By Allen Graham | 21 March 2012

Allen Graham looks at some of the key issues facing district councils.

The future role of districts

By Allen Graham | 25 January 2012

Allen Graham ponders the direction of travel for district councils.

Shaping national polices

By Allen Graham | 08 November 2011

Allen Graham looks at how districts have responded to a batch of government consultations to help...

District View: Let us decide planning fees

By Allen Graham | 16 September 2011

Let districts decide their own planning fees says Allen Graham, chief executive of Rushcliffe BC.