Author Profile

John Stewart

Articles by John Stewart

To whom is the chief executive responsible

By John Stewart | 13 October 2010

Is a chief executive responsible, as in the past, to the council, or to the executive – or both? ...

Should we let the people decide

By John Stewart | 24 September 2010

Introducing referendums to decide local issues like council tax increases has implications for re...

Lessons for the coalition from hung councils

By John Stewart | 18 August 2010

Can Messrs Cameron and Clegg learn some lessons from local government where no overall control ha...

The forgotten elections

By John Stewart | 26 May 2010

The local polls were almost an afterthought given the general election. Will fixed-term parliamen...

Now is the time to redress the balance

By John Stewart | 06 May 2010

With the election out of the way, local government must lobby the new administration to redress t...

Are these lessons too foreign for us?

By John Stewart | 14 April 2010

George Jones and John Stewart continue their look at how other countries organise their local gov...

So what do parties offer for local democracy?

By John Stewart | 14 April 2010

All the main political parties claim to be localist. George Jones and John Stewart put forward so...

The democracy of partnerships

By John Stewart | 11 March 2010

The accountability of partnerships can create problems for local democracy, say George Jones and ...

Learning the major lessons from abroad

By John Stewart | 10 March 2010

For councillors and managers, the value of looking at local government in other countries lies in...

The alternative society

By John Stewart | 24 February 2010

The possibility of a hung parliament means electoral reform could remain on the agenda after the ...