Author Profile

Claire Mansfield

Articles by Claire Mansfield

Developing a creed to lead

By Claire Mansfield | 18 January 2017

The role of councils and the way they operate is evolving dramatically to reflect the changing wo...

Developing employment support

By Claire Mansfield | 01 November 2016

New research shows devolving employment support to local government will have lasting benefits on...

How to create the winning team

By Claire Mansfield | 29 June 2016

The New Local Government Network (NLGN) has produced research on the relationship between council...

Get smart budgeting

By Maia Beresford | 02 December 2014

NLGN calls for councils to follow through on the strategic planning changes by also altering appr...

A healthy approach to spending

By Claire Mansfield | 27 March 2014

Dr Claire Mansfield takes issue with the BMJ's warnings over local government's role in public he...

Why art aid pays off

By Claire Mansfield | 10 April 2013

Claire Mansfield explains why supporting the arts may be more lucrative than expected.