Author Profile

Alex Bailey

Articles by Alex Bailey

Tackling tricky social issues in the SameRoom

By Alex Bailey | 24 April 2019

Alex Bailey outlines how Adur DC and Worthing BC use the platform of good systems leaders and rob...

The growing benefits of our green spaces

By Alex Bailey | 30 October 2018

A long term self-sustaining scheme in Adur and Worthing which uses the natural environment to hel...

Partnerships in Places

By Alex Bailey | 04 September 2018

Alex Bailey outlines his ‘Golden rules’ to avoiding the bruises of place-based partnerships.

Culture, creativity and the real meaning of transformation

By Alex Bailey | 29 May 2018

Alex Bailey highlights how Adur and Worthing DCs turned around their fortunes with imagination, i...

Why it's time to repair the policy pipework

By Alex Bailey | 27 February 2018

Alex Bailey takes a semi-playful look at the ways local government can begin to replumb and join ...

Solving the communications conundrum

By Alex Bailey | 05 December 2017

Trust a journalist? Alex Bailey says independent and trustworthy scrutineers can revitalise an au...

Digital disruption-on-sea

By Alex Bailey | 10 October 2017

Adur and Worthing Councils are pushing ahead with a radical digital agenda – even though it could...

Shared services 10 years on

By Alex Bailey | 30 August 2017

It’s been 10 years since Adur DC and Worthing BC became the first to share all their services, an...

Resetting our relationship with residents

By Alex Bailey | 17 May 2017

What is the role of the state? Alex Bailey explains how Adur and Worthing councils are creating p...