Author Profile

Norma Atlay

Articles by Norma Atlay

Government thinking is the missing piece to finance reform

By Norma Atlay | 19 July 2017

In her last column as president of the Society of District Council Treasurers, Norma Atlay says m...

Where will the money fall in the future?

By Norma Atlay | 24 May 2017

Norma Atlay asks the important questions about a fast-changing local government finance system.

Where next for council budgets under siege?

By Norma Atlay | 14 March 2017

Government policies have done little to ease budget pressures. Norma Atlay asks whether it is tim...

How much will change under 100% business rate retention?

By Norma Atlay | 14 February 2017

Norma Atlay asks whether the new funding system for local government is a case of the emperor's n...

Finding the right financial path

By Norma Atlay | 09 November 2016

Local government finance officers need to find the safe route to balancing budgets but there are...

Moment of truth

By Norma Atlay | 21 September 2016

Local government faces two crucial deadline dates in the next few weeks, says Norma Atlay

Districts address finance

By Norma Atlay | 26 July 2016

Norma Atlay explains the work of districts on show at the recent CIPFA conference

Held to account

By Norma Atlay | 15 June 2016

Norma Atlay urges local government to respond to a government consultation on strengthening the L...

Fielding the 'hospital pass'

By Norma Atlay | 26 April 2016

Norma Atlay says devolution of funding cuts mean councils must be ready to make tough decisions o...

Looking over the edge

By Norma Atlay | 08 March 2016

Norma Atlay says local government has been 'taken to the abyss' and shown things could be much wo...