Author Profile

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor is interim executive director of finance and Governance at Cherwell and South Northamptonshire

Articles by Adele Taylor

Pick of the bunch

By Adele Taylor | 06 September 2016

How can local government continue to attract talent into the top roles, asks Adele Taylor

Wings of change

By Adele Taylor | 06 July 2016

Local government is an innovative sector and now is the time to let loose some financial creativi...

Commercialism by any other name

By Adele Taylor | 25 May 2016

Whether or not progress is badged as commercialism, Adele Taylor says councils must focus on effi...

Counting the coffers

By Adele Taylor | 06 April 2016

Adele Taylor says investment from local government now could pay dividends in coming years

Writing's on the wall

By Adele Taylor | 16 February 2016

Adele Taylor explains how finance officers have a challenging future ahead as roles transform and...

Squirreling away the funds

By Adele Taylor | 30 October 2015

Adele Taylor questions whether the savings drive means councils are missing out on important oppo...

Stamping on fraud

By Adele Taylor | 16 September 2015

Adele Taylor explains how creating an anti-fraud framework brings big benefits.

Every penny counts

By Adele Taylor | 10 September 2015

As the old saying goes: ‘Every penny counts’ and in times of austerity, that is very true, writes...

We need to tell the story

By Adele Taylor | 14 July 2015

In recent weeks I have found myself repeating a phrase several times – 'We need to tell the story...

A leap of faith

By Adele Taylor | 27 May 2015

There’s a bit of a buzz building across Hertfordshire as we await a special day in our diaries, w...