Author Profile

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor

Adele Taylor is interim executive director of finance and Governance at Cherwell and South Northamptonshire

Articles by Adele Taylor

Speed and accuracy of forecasting has to be the watchword

By Adele Taylor | 11 June 2024

Finance teams are operating in an uncertain funding regime, even more so with political uncertain...

Doing the basics well helps us deal with the changes to come

By By Adele Taylor | 30 April 2024

If the last 12 to 18 months has taught the sector anything, it is that volatility remains a watch...

Distribution of funding is the trickiest area for councils

By Adele Taylor | 20 March 2024

It is time for the whole sector to come together with a strong voice to say enough is enough, wr...

No one forgets financial decisions have real people at the heart of them

By Adele Taylor | 06 February 2024

Adele Taylor says: 'As officers in local government we know we have to provide politically neutra...

Internal audit teams are a crucial tool

By Adele Taylor | 05 December 2023

If we are looking for the tools that help us identify issues through early intervention then our ...

Managing the tightrope

By Adele Taylor | 24 October 2023

Given the knife-edge on which council budgets are currently balanced, the 20% of uncertainty loca...

A response that's a dose of sanity

By Adele Taylor | 09 October 2023

Adele Taylor offers the inside track on the fluid response that has made great strides in stabili...

Finance chiefs should stress test their professional networks

By Adele Taylor | 13 September 2023

As more councils declare their potential financial distress, no one person is going to have all t...

Audit and governance is the conscience of the council

By Adele Taylor | 13 June 2023

The remit of the audit and governance committee is much more than the debits and credits of the s...

Getting out of the mire

By Adele Taylor | 02 May 2023

Adele Taylor's new authority is in intervention. 'You don’t often get the chance to rip things ap...