Author Profile

Sheila Little

Articles by Sheila Little

Singing from the same hymn sheet

By David Kuenssberg | 16 May 2018

Kevin Foster, David Kuenssberg and Sheila Little outline their hopes for a shared services partne...

We must stop our competitiveness within the sector

By Sheila Little | 24 January 2018

Section 151 officers have a duty not just to their own authorities, but to the wider sector, argu...

A welcome step towards more financial control?

By Sheila Little | 25 October 2017

With the paused business rates retention steering board and working groups resuming, Sheila Littl...

One Team approach is creating lasting benefit

By Sheila Little | 07 July 2014

By working to make sure staff, partners and businesses are pulling in the same direction, Surrey'...

Thriving not surviving for businesses

By Sheila Little | 04 July 2012

By limiting bureaucracy and procedure – and making it simpler for businesses to 'do business' – t...

'A brick in the wall' for the public sector

By Sheila Little | 26 June 2012

Making assets work better for local communities is the right approach rather than thinking of the...

The race for the budget planning timetable for 2013

By Sheila Little | 23 May 2012

Sheila Little compares the preparation of the next local budget with the race to prepare for the ...

The importance of good transport links for businesses

By Sheila Little | 18 April 2012

Sheila Little looks at two stories that highlights the importance of good transport links that he...

The importance of clear finance management information

By Sheila Little | 21 March 2012

Sheila Little says the finance department is moving towards producing much slicker online inform...

We need a cap on social care costs

By Sheila Little | 23 February 2012

Sheila Little says a cap on care of £50,000 is fair despite the tight budgets.