Author Profile

Chris Mahony

Articles by Chris Mahony

Second Yorkshire LEP succumbs to Government overlap pressure

By Chris Mahony | 27 January 2020

A second Yorkshire local enterprise partnership (LEP) has bowed to government demands and agreed ...

Ofsted highlights 'serious and widespread failures' at council

By Chris Mahony | 27 January 2020

Children in Middlesbrough are being left at risk for too long because of failures in practice and...

Serious case review launched after double murder verdict

By Chris Mahony | 12 November 2019

A serious case review has been launched after a woman and her partner were sentenced for murderin...

LGA loans more cash to commercial arm

By Chris Mahony | 12 November 2019

Smith Square lent its commercial arm £2m at the start of the year and last month provided further...

Employers delay response to 10% pay claim

By Chris Mahony | 12 November 2019

Local government employers have told trade union leaders that they are unlikely to respond to the...

Kirklees urged to invest in corporate centre

By Chris Mahony | 12 November 2019

Kirklees MBC should invest in its corporate centre and streamline decision-making to support both...

Oxford and Reading top city performance list

By Chris Mahony | 11 November 2019

Cities have largely recovered economically from the 2007/08 financial crisis but must now focus o...

General Election 'spending arms race' predicted

By Chris Mahony | 05 November 2019

Parties making public spending pledges during the election campaign should look beyond the size o...

St Helens still failing on children's services, says Ofsted

By Chris Mahony | 05 November 2019

Cultural barriers and significant change at the corporate level have slowed the response of St He...

IPPR calls for public health funding to be linked to NHS budgets

By Chris Mahony | 05 November 2019

Public health funding should be linked to increases in the NHS budget, a briefing published by th...