Author Profile

Chris Mahony

Articles by Chris Mahony

EXCLUSIVE: Growth boards plan for non-mayor areas

By Chris Mahony | 20 February 2020

County councils have suggested ministers should establish growth boards to coordinate economic de...

Further moves to bring troubled housing company in-house

By Chris Mahony | 19 February 2020

The termination of a housing management contract spanning four local authorities in Kent has move...

The sound of silence

By Chris Mahony | 12 February 2020

Local agencies are often ‘woefully ill-equipped’ to stop child sexual abuse in the family environ...

Universal credit pushed back again

By Chris Mahony | 04 February 2020

The Department for Work and Pensions has again shifted the date for full implementation of Univer...

Ministers must heed local productivity gaps

By Chris Mahony | 04 February 2020

Ministerial efforts to reduce the regional productivity gap must recognise the imbalances at loca...

Local agencies 'woefully ill-equipped' to stop child abuse

By Chris Mahony | 04 February 2020

Children are being left at risk because local agencies – including social care – are often ‘woefu...

Serious case review urges focus on home education

By Chris Mahony | 28 January 2020

A serious case review has urged Government advisers to assess home education policies after a boy...

Jenrick in anti-semitism funding threat

By Chris Mahony | 28 January 2020

The Local Government Association (LGA) has rebuffed communities secretary Robert Jenrick’s threat...

Funding is solution to social care recruitment crisis - migration committee

By Chris Mahony | 28 January 2020

The ‘very real problems’ facing social care employers should be addressed through sustainable fun...

Seven out of 10 councils overspend on homelessness

By Chris Mahony | 28 January 2020

Seven out of 10 English councils overspent their homelessness budgets in 2018/19 by a combined to...