Author Profile

Chris Mahony

Articles by Chris Mahony

Grenfell council admits leadership was 'unable to cope'

By Chris Mahony | 12 April 2022

Kensington & Chelsea LBC has admitted to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry its ‘leadership was unable to...

EXCLUSIVE: Porter warning over fresh reorganisation push

By Chris Mahony | 11 April 2022

Some district councils may seek unitary status to ensure they can influence the new wave of combi...

Council call to invest in staff

By Chris Mahony | 11 April 2022

Local government leaders have warned the Scottish Government must recognise and invest in council...

LEPs due for integration into combined authorities by 2030

By By Chris Mahony | 06 April 2022

Local enterprise partnerships (LEPs) will be integrated into combined authorities by 2030, tracki...

An end to the SEND lottery?

By Chris Mahony | 06 April 2022

The new Green Paper on special educational needs and disability received a generally warm recepti...

Start-up ends high street service

By Chris Mahony | 05 April 2022

A start-up that invited councils to create ‘virtual high streets’ allowing residents to order fro...

Call to end 'excessively punitive sanctions' on benefits

By Chris Mahony | 05 April 2022

A think-tank has warned that sanctions on benefit claimants are almost back to pre-pandemic level...

Government vows to end 'postcode lottery' on SEND

By Chris Mahony | 29 March 2022

Schools, councils and health providers will need to work together to support children with specia...

Liverpool launches consultation to scrap mayor

By Chris Mahony | 28 March 2022

Liverpool City Council has launched a three month consultation that could lead to the abolition o...

1.3m families to miss out on council tax rebate

By Chris Mahony | 28 March 2022

Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) figures suggest that around 1.3m families risk missing out...