Author Profile

MJ Correspondent

Articles by MJ Correspondent

Data wiped at probed public/private partnership - claims

By MJ Correspondent | 02 April 2014

Data was intentionally wiped by staff at the largest public/private partnership of its kind in th...

MJ Future Forum: CIPFA chief says 2016/17 looks nigh on impossible for some councils

By MJ Correspondent | 31 March 2014

The 2016/17 financial year ‘looks nigh on impossible’ for a number of councils, the chief executi...

MJ Future Forum: Councils 'must become demand-focused'

By MJ Correspondent | 28 March 2014

Councils must change dramatically if they are to become consistently demand-focused organisations...

MJ Future Forum: DCLG director insists local government spending system remains viable

By MJ Correspondent | 27 March 2014

The local government finance system remains viable without need for radical reform, DCLG director...

Scots study reveals strain of plugging funding gaps

By MJ Correspondent | 27 March 2014

Scottish councils have been forced to raid their reserves to reduce funding gaps, a report publis...

Combined Midlands authority 'a must' claims Sandwell chief

By MJ Correspondent | 27 March 2014

Birmingham and the Black Country could fall behind other regions without a combined authority, a ...

Deloitte report highlights benefits of homes investment to care spend

By MJ Correspondent | 26 March 2014

Investment in housing could help offset health and social care expenditure, according to a report...

Councils complain of 'lukewarm'partners

By MJ Correspondent | 26 March 2014

Council bosses have been warned of potential tensions in their relationships with key external pa...

Axing of welfare support grant is 'fundamental mistake'

By MJ Correspondent | 26 March 2014

Axing of the grant for local welfare support a ‘fundamental mistake’, the Conservative chairman o...

LGA backs agency to save £1bn in debt costs

By MJ Correspondent | 25 March 2014

Creating a municipal bonds agency will bring wider benefits beyond cheaper local government borro...