Author Profile

Cllr John Fuller OBE

Articles by Cllr John Fuller OBE

DEFRA's simplistic proposals are as doomed to fail

By Cllr John Fuller OBE | 08 June 2021

The waste collection business is complicated, says chair of the District Councils' Network Cllr J...

It's time to focus virus 'contain' funding on families and streets

By Cllr John Fuller OBE | 01 March 2021

We need to recalibrate and resource the Contain Outbreak Management Fund activity on preparing fo...

In choppy waters, back districts to deliver

By Cllr John Fuller OBE | 03 November 2020

The debate on local government reform must end now, ‘so that all areas can focus on the crisis in...

COVID-19 has driven home the huge importance of locality

By Cllr John Fuller | 28 July 2020

Cllr John Fuller says the pace of innovation in solving final mile problems has shown that 'local...

The crisis has proved again that local action works

By Cllr John Fuller | 09 June 2020

The District Councils' Network has set out a five-point Manifesto for Recovery outlining how we c...