Author Profile

Cllr Neil Clarke

Articles by Cllr Neil Clarke

Alternative views on reorganisation

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 04 November 2016

In response to the County Councils Network commissioned studies on local government reorganisatio...

We need more flexibility on planning

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 16 August 2016

It is important that the performance of councils in approving planning permissions is considered...

A question of balance

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 15 June 2016

Cllr Neil Clarke responds to the CLG Committee report into full business rates retention and call...

Building new foundations

By Cllr Paul Carter | 08 March 2016

With the Government’s New Homes Bonus (NHB) consultation closing today, District Councils’ Networ...

Collaboration is the key to a fair result

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 28 January 2016

Cllr Paul Carter and Cllr Neil Clarke unite to demand an even-handed, needs based funding formula...

Districts get mainstream

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 19 November 2015

A new study by The King’s Fund suggests how districts could boost local health outcomes and cut h...

A new dawn

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 26 May 2015

District Council’s Network chairman Cllr Neil Clarke outlines how districts will take up the chal...

District councils are ready to deliver

By Cllr Neil Clarke | 05 March 2014

Cllr Neil Clarke outlines what district councils could offer in return for financial freedoms