Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Shelter calls for more homes for the elderly

By Jamie Hailstone | 18 April 2012

The charity, Shelter, has called on councils and the Government to encourage the building of more...

Councils 'key to green economy'

By Jamie Hailstone | 16 April 2012

Ministers must recognise the important role councils can play in kick starting a green economy, a...

'Councils must act if academies fail', say care bosses

By Jamie Hailstone | 13 April 2012

Councils must use their statutory powers to hold academies and other autonomous schools to accoun...

Wellbeing boards 'will help integrate care'

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 April 2012

The new health and wellbeing boards could lead to more integrated care services, according to a n...

Councils 'remain unsure' about new responsibilities say bosses

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 April 2012

Care bosses have warned question marks remain over how councils will assume responsibility for ke...

Warnings over cost of Big Society loans

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 April 2012

Third sector bosses have warned some loans from Britain's new Big Society Bank could be too expen...

MP wants local rules to battle loan sharks

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 April 2012

Campaigning MP Stella Creasy has called for councils to be given legal power to limit the number ...

'Use new powers to back SMEs' bosses tell councils

By Jamie Hailstone | 12 April 2012

Business leaders have called on councils to use new localism powers to help firms.

Councils demand binge-drinking cash

By Jamie Hailstone | 10 April 2012

Council leaders want pubs and clubs to help meet the cost of cleaning up after binge drinkers.

Minister urges councils to hand firms Easter tax break

By Jamie Hailstone | 05 April 2012

Local government minister Bob Neill has written to every council in England urging them to give l...