Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

London borough to discuss insourcing IT staff

By Jamie Hailstone | 06 June 2016

Hammersmith and Fulham LBC will discuss bringing staff back in-house from a joint venture.

E Midlands has 'most competitive energy tariffs'

By Jamie Hailstone | 02 June 2016

A leading think-tank has claimed local authority energy companies are winning the battle against ...

Councils defend social value performance

By Jamie Hailstone | 31 May 2016

Town hall leaders have defended their track record in using social value when awarding contracts ...

Reform calls for missing children system

By Jamie Hailstone | 26 May 2016

A group of MPs has called for a police system for recording missing children to be scrapped becau...

£820m bed blocking cost putting services under strain

By Jamie Hailstone | 26 May 2016

Bed blocking is costing the NHS £820m a year and putting care services under strain, according to...

'Embed technology to transform your services,' leaders are told

By Jamie Hailstone | 25 May 2016

City leaders across England have been urged to follow the lead of London and Bristol by embedding...

Experts back bid to 'fix financial plans'

By Jamie Hailstone | 25 May 2016

Experts have backed calls by finance chiefs to fix health and social care spending as a proportio...

Council cuts go back to the drawing board

By Jamie Hailstone | 25 May 2016

The Welsh first minister has conceded his administration may go back to the drawing board over lo...

Councils still wrestling with procurement waste problems

By Jamie Hailstone | 25 May 2016

Failure to introduce best practice around procurement is costing local authorities hundreds of mi...

Councils defend agency care bills

By Jamie Hailstone | 25 May 2016

Councils have defended the money spent on agency children’s social workers amid claims the amount...