Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

Flintshire gets green light to create employee-led mutual

By Jamie Hailstone | 25 May 2016

Proposals to turn Flintshire CC’s leisure and library services into an employee-led mutual have b...

Collaboration on digital transformation

By Jamie Hailstone | 24 May 2016

Four leading local government groups have joined forces to call on council leaders to use digital...

Chief says fracking decision was 'difficult'

By Jamie Hailstone | 24 May 2016

North Yorkshire CC has given the green light to a controversial fracking application despite thou...

Welsh reorganisation map ditched

By Jamie Hailstone | 24 May 2016

The Welsh first minister has conceded his administration may go back to the drawing board over lo...

Fresh care funding crisis warning

By Jamie Hailstone | 23 May 2016

The outsourcing firm Mitie has called for health and social care budgets to be pooled in a bid to...

Northern Powerhouse leaders 'must make cities more inclusive'

By Jamie Hailstone | 20 May 2016

City region leaders in the Northern Powerhouse need to ensure all people benefit from their econo...

Peers slam CA's hasty public consultation

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 May 2016

Peers have criticised a public consultation on the West Midlands combined authority for being too...

Ricoh £14m bailout appeal is refused

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 May 2016

High Court judges have dismissed an appeal over a £14m bailout of the Ricoh Arena by Coventry Cit...

Council keeps cash as Serco fails to pay wages

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 May 2016

Lincolnshire CC has held back more than £1m after outsourcing giant Serco failed to pay staff wag...

Southampton to cut costs by bringing services back in-house

By Jamie Hailstone | 17 May 2016

Southampton City Council has renegotiated its contract with Capita, with some services coming bac...