Author Profile

Jamie Hailstone

Articles by Jamie Hailstone

East Midlands joins devolution calls

By Jamie Hailstone | 03 November 2014

Local authorities in the East Midlands have called for greater powers from Whitehall as the devol...

Miliband to announce regional cabinet

By Jamie Hailstone | 31 October 2014

Ed Miliband is set to announce that council leaders will join cabinet meetings if Labour win the ...

Sandwell leader gives Christmas deadline for combined authority

By Dan Peters | 28 October 2014

The leader of Sandwell MBC has warned he may look at joining forces with other councils if plans ...

NCAS 14: Adult care deficit 'will hurt counties

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 October 2014

County council leaders have warned that a predicted £4.3bn black hole in adult social care fundin...

Authority secures £1bn of investment

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 October 2014

North Lincolnshire Council is celebrating after helping to secure more than £1bn of investment fo...

Middlesbrough in staff shuffle as council makes budget cuts

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 October 2014

Middlesbrough Council’s directly-elected mayor has announced plans to bring at least 350 staff ba...

Dorset CC to go ahead with adult care plan

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 October 2014

Dorset CC has voted to go ahead with plans to create a new trading company which will handle its ...

NCAS 2014: Councils issue social care funding warning

By Jamie Hailstone | 28 October 2014

Councils will face a £4.3bn funding black hole by the end of the decade, according to town hall c...

Adonis calls for Tri-boroughs to have their own chiefs

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 October 2014

Hammersmith and Fulham LBC should have its own chief executive, according to an independent revie...

Pickles to block supermarket tax

By Jamie Hailstone | 27 October 2014

Communities secretary Eric Pickles has announced he will not support extra business rates on supe...