Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Steep arrears rise after bedroom tax

By MJ reporter | 06 November 2013

The number of council tenants in arrears has risen by more than 20% since the introduction of the...

Microsoft logs on as MJ awards sponsor

By MJ reporter | 06 November 2013

The MJ is delighted to announce that Microsoft has become the latest sponsor for The MJ Achieveme...

City Deal to halve youth unemployment

By MJ reporter | 30 October 2013

The Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has secured a City Deal.

Council first to win asset appeal

By MJ reporter | 24 October 2013

Hackney LBC has become the first local authority in the country to successfully defend a communit...

Third-tier councils won't get precept share

By MJ reporter | 23 October 2013

Town and parish authorities are unlikely to get a share of the council tax support grant, policy ...

DCLG warns of clampdown on parish tax bill

By MJ reporter | 23 October 2013

The representative body for parish and town councils in England and Wales has defended members fo...

Report: Managers lack time to reform

By MJ reporter | 23 October 2013

More than half of council bosses believe a lack of time and capacity is holding back the transfor...

Leaders welcome drive to devolve skills

By MJ reporter | 16 October 2013

Council leaders have welcomed suggestions from Vince Cable that the skills agenda could be devolv...

Coalition poised to 'gag' councils

By MJ reporter | 09 October 2013

Coalition plans to enshrine the Local Authority Publicity Code in law could give ministers the po...

Council asks about 5% tax hike

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

Buckinghamshire CC has launched a consultation on plans for a referendum-triggering 5% council ta...