Author Profile

MJ reporter

Articles by MJ reporter

Closer ties to be explored

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

The leader of Torridge DC has pledged to work more closely with North Devon DC and will also look...

Miliband coy over reversing spending cuts

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

Labour leader Ed Miliband has ducked any commitment to restoring council spending cuts but backed...

Mouchel could axe 140 jobs

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

Up to 140 roles are to be axed in Mouchel’s business services division as part of a restructuring...

'Corners being cut' on data security

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

A new scheme for refurbishing or decommissioning outdated IT equipment has been launched.

Auditors refuse to approve council's accounts

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

The Wales Audit Office (WAO) and Pembrokeshire CC are at loggerheads.

LGA's angry response to top slicing

By MJ reporter | 02 October 2013

The Local Government Association (LGA) has added its voice to the sector’s chorus of disapproval ...

Exclusive: Good roads route to public satisfaction

By MJ reporter | 19 September 2013

Members of the public feel the state of roads and pavements is the most urgent area for local imp...

Sheffield libraries face chop

By MJ reporter | 18 September 2013

Sheffield City Council has asked community groups to step in and take over the running of more th...

Liverpool Football Club and council back Anfield regeneration

By MJ reporter | 11 September 2013

Local businesses and residents have given the thumbs up to a £260m regeneration plan for the Anfi...

Boost to urban parish councils

By MJ reporter | 11 September 2013

Ministers have announced plans to make it easier for residents in urban areas to establish parish...