Author Profile

Lawrence Conway

Lawrence Conway

Lawrence Conway is chief executive of South Lakeland DC

Articles by Lawrence Conway

The Green Book needs to be green in nature

By Lawrence Conway | 17 August 2021

On climate action, it could be argued that the most effective changes we can make are those in wh...

An impressive transformation

By Lawrence Conway | 29 June 2021

South Lakeland DC's main office building has been refurbished as one element in a wholesale trans...

We need to avoid a fractured, inefficient and uneven model of recovery

By Lawrence Conway | 12 May 2021

Any improvement to local facilities, whether economic, leisure, hardship or climate-related, shou...

The data tells a clear story of what's needed to rebuild back better

By Lawrence Conway | 23 March 2021

South Lakeland has the highest percentage of furloughed employees in England. The gulf that exist...

Cementing growth plans in The Bay

By Lawrence Conway | 02 February 2021

Whatever your thoughts may be on local government reorganisation it has brought together the thre...

Being ready for change is critical

By Lawrence Conway | 24 November 2020

Local government reorganisation is on the near horizon, says Lawrence Conway. He believes South L...

The strain caused by COVID is starting to show

By Lawrence Conway | 06 October 2020

Lawrence Conway says the continued variations to coronavirus measures introduced by Government 'm...

Moving forward in a time of unprecedented demand

By Lawrence Conway | 19 August 2020

Lawrence Conway says confidence building, hope and support, and visionary and purposeful local le...

Start devolution plans with a vision and purpose to unite

By Lawrence Conway | 30 June 2020

On plans for devolution, care should be taken not to start with structures and short- term initia...

Districts are agile, responsive and efficient in the face of adversity

By Lawrence Conway | 13 May 2020

District councils have been working hard, along with public sector colleagues, to ensure the nati...