Author Profile

Lawrence Conway

Lawrence Conway

Lawrence Conway is chief executive of South Lakeland DC

Articles by Lawrence Conway

South Lakeland has been truly transformed

By Lawrence Conway | 28 March 2023

From April 1 Cumbria will be reorganised into two unitary authorities. In his final column for Th...

Culture is about who we really are

By Lawrence Conway | 01 February 2023

The concept of culture may be difficult to buy or sell, but it is worth the investment, writes La...

Keeping pace with changing demands

By Lawrence Conway | 23 November 2022

There are things we can do more locally to relieve some of the pressures on services and finances...

Getting on with the job

By Lawrence Conway | 04 October 2022

The absence of a long-term economic plan from the Government will never get in the way of council...

Tackling the climate emergency in South Lakeland

By Lawrence Conway | 17 August 2022

Lawrence Conway explains how South Lakeland DC is working towards its targets of a carbon neutral...

Keeping that personal touch

By Lawrence Conway | 27 June 2022

it’s possible with foresight to design the councils of the future in a way that can adapt to rapi...

Reorganisation is about transformation not just reform

By Lawrence Conway | 22 March 2022

Many of the core principles of South Lakeland DC's transformation programme will be evident in th...

We all need a steady and clear programme for the unitary journey

By Lawrence Conway | 01 February 2022

South Lakeland DC will be abolished and its functions transferred to one of Cumbria's two new uni...

Getting on with the daily job

By Lawrence Conway | 24 November 2021

Business as usual services must continue at South Lakeland DC with performance kept at the highes...

Moving from good to great in Cumbria

By Lawrence Conway | 05 October 2021

The early stages of the transition programme for reorganisation in Cumbria are being developed an...