Author Profile

Simon Parker

Simon Parker

Simon Parker is director of local government think tank the New Local Government Network

Articles by Simon Parker

A piece of cake

By Simon Parker | 03 December 2015

Simon Parker questions whether Osborne's push to 'grow the cake' will result in a good deal for l...

Devolution in the 'new politics' era

By Simon Parker | 06 October 2015

Devolution is an assault on local democracy, or so we were told last week by Labour’s new communi...

Time to disrupt welfare

By Simon Parker | 10 September 2015

Britain’s approach to welfare is starting to change, writes Simon Parker.

Don't leave democracy out of devolution

By Simon Parker | 14 July 2015

Simon Parker considers the democratic shortfall as we rush towards devolution

A new deal for the local government workforce

By Simon Parker | 09 June 2015

The bargain that councils have with their workforces is starting to come apart at the seams, writ...

Surviving the Cameron decade

By Simon Parker | 13 May 2015

The first five years of David Cameron laid the foundations for a project that local government no...

National politicians have few new answers

By Simon Parker | 21 April 2015

Director of the New Local Government Network think tank, Simon Parker, asks what the future holds...

Reviving the election lottery

By Simon Parker | 14 April 2015

Simon Parker argues for the random selection of councillors and peers from the citizenry as a mea...

Fit for tomorrow's world?

By Simon Parker | 17 March 2015

If the Local Government Association (LGA) didn’t exist, we would have to invent it. The question ...

Joining the 35% club

By Simon Parker | 23 February 2015

Spending reductions implied by the chancellor would mean shifting from the post-war welfare model...