Author Profile

Simon Parker

Simon Parker

Simon Parker is director of local government think tank the New Local Government Network

Articles by Simon Parker

England's dreaming

By Simon Parker | 10 February 2015

Simon Parker gives a thematic overview to the New Local Government Network’s annual conference, w...

Wanted. New local governance structures

By Simon Parker | 19 January 2015

If the sector doesn't start building the locality of tomorrow today, and prefigure the final devo...

In praise of Pickles

By Simon Parker | 24 November 2014

Council leaders should think carefully before popping the champagne corks once the current commun...

People power will force council behaviour change

By Simon Parker | 27 October 2014

We are going to need fewer public services and more services that empower the public to survive t...

The future is all about collaboration between tiers

By Mike Wallace | 04 July 2014

Where should county and district two-tier working go next?

Soapbox by Simon Parker

By Simon Parker | 03 July 2014

NLGN director on how the evolving customer service revolution could lead to peer-led public servi...

Soapbox by Simon Parker

By Simon Parker | 03 June 2014

Leisure services are canaries in the austerity mineshaft, writes NLGN director.

Why councillors should go on strike

By Simon Parker | 09 May 2014

Swiftian proposal on why councillors should go on strike canvassing for PPCs at the next General ...

Soapbox by Simon Parker

By Simon Parker | 03 April 2014

Service integration needs to be taken to the next level, argues NLGN director.

Soapbox by Simon Parker

By Simon Parker | 06 March 2014

Shared services are boring, difficult and might not deliver great savings - but are politically e...