Justice secretary Michael Gove is considering plans to make it more difficult for journalists and...
The Local Government Association (LGA) has chosen five key pieces of legislation from the Queen’s...
Leading public finance economists have this week questioned whether the estimated 800,000 governm...
An annual cash shortfall of more than £1bn a year could undermine government plans to extend the ...
Wiltshire Council is not providing good enough support and development for early years provision ...
Leaders of the 10 Core Cities are due meet in London with communities secretary Greg Clark this m...
New local government minister anticipates tough spending choices amid greater devolved funding in...
London health and adults expert condemns the double blow of further adult social care cuts and th...
Ministers have urged council leaders to drive through plans for a City Deal for Cardiff ahead of ...
Council chiefs have questioned the judgement of Ofsted inspectors who rated Sandwell MBC’s childr...
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