Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Whitehall's 'single pot funding' is challenged

By Jonathan Werran | 25 March 2013

Experts query the ability of Whitehall departments to deliver the scale of ‘single pot’ Lord Hese...

Pickles urged to rethink rules for ousting chiefs

By Jonathan Werran | 25 March 2013

Local government bodies call on communities secretary to rethink plans to axe job protection meas...

Set up national investment fund for cities, report urges

By Jonathan Werran | 25 March 2013

A Centre for Cities report urges establishment of national 'fund of funds' giving all cities acce...

Budget 2013: more spending round cuts needed by 2015

By Jonathan Werran | 20 March 2013

Chancellor George Osborne today told MPs the coalition had cut the deficit by a third since 2010,...

Local government bears brunt of job losses again, ONS shows

By Jonathan Werran | 20 March 2013

Local government shed 32,000 posts in the last quarter of 2012 compared with a 4,000 fall in the ...

Ofsted urged to scrap plans to monitor councils' school improvement role

By Jonathan Werran | 19 March 2013

Council chiefs strongly urge Ofsted to axe ‘inappropriate’ proposals to scrutinise authority-deli...

Voting watchdog condemns 'mistaken' assumptions over PCC vote

By Jonathan Werran | 19 March 2013

Home Office ministers ‘mistakenly’ assumed very act of holding first-ever Police and Crime Commis...

Services will be boosted by pooling budgets, says NAO

By Jonathan Werran | 19 March 2013

Government should learn lessons from the ‘whole place’ community budget pilots in pioneering bett...

Osborne approves single pot growth fund

By Jonathan Werran | 18 March 2013

Chancellor George Osborne accepts bulk of the 89 recommendations in Lord Heseltine’s growth revie...

NFI saves public purse £1bn

By Jonathan Werran | 18 March 2013

National Fraud Initiative has helped prevent more than £1bn of public money being lost to fraud, ...