Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Target cash for apprenticeships 'in areas with biggest returns'

By Jonathan Werran | 01 February 2012

The Government would get better value for money from adult apprenticeships if funding was targete...

Coalition pension plan 'will fail to deliver long-term savings'

By Jonathan Werran | 01 February 2012

Government negotiations with trade unions over public pension reforms will fail to deliver the lo...

MPs propose CTB amendments

By Jonathan Werran | 01 February 2012

Opposition to coalition plans for the localisation of council tax benefit has been expressed in a...

Stunell launches 'carbon zero' homes plan

By Jonathan Werran | 01 February 2012

Changes to the country's building regulations,announced by Andrew Stunell could ensure all new ho...

Tidal wave of criticism hits tax benefit reform

By Jonathan Werran | 26 January 2012

Ministers face widespread criticism over plans to forge ahead with council tax benefit (CTB) refo...

Cambs joins ranks of Conservative council tax rebels

By Jonathan Werran | 25 January 2012

Cambridgeshire CC plans to join fellow Conservative councils Surrey and Peterborough in rejecting...

Minister's vows 'second wave' of city autonomy

By Jonathan Werran | 25 January 2012

Decentralisation minister, Greg Clark, vows to embark on a second wave of 'city deals' – going be...

Benn calls for 'English deal' for all councils

By Jonathan Werran | 25 January 2012

Shadow communities secretary makes case for giving all English councils devolved powers to boost ...

Cuts force IT firms to rethink council deals

By Jonathan Werran | 25 January 2012

Society for IT Management have reported sector IT firms have lost their appetite for wholesale ou...

Personal technology use raises data security fears

By Jonathan Werran | 25 January 2012

Privacy campaigners warn rise in the number of councils allowing staff to 'bring your own technol...