Author Profile

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran

Jonathan Werran is head of news at Localis

Articles by Jonathan Werran

Pickles extends high street fund deadline

By Jonathan Werran | 27 October 2011

Councils affected by August’s riots given further eight weeks to submit claims under the £20m hig...

LGA reads the riot act

By Jonathan Werran | 27 October 2011

Blame for August’s riots can be ascribed to the buck-passing tradition of top-down public service...

Amey awarded West Midlands patient transport contract

By Jonathan Werran | 26 October 2011

Amey lands two four-year contracts to provide transport services delivering patients and medical ...

Government should heed Weimar warning

By Jonathan Werran | 26 October 2011

Historical comparisons likening impact of QE with Weimar-era are overblown. But the corrosive eff...

Maude calls for further civil estate consolidation

By Jonathan Werran | 26 October 2011

Government departments should try to create development opportunities aimed at boosting local gro...

Civil service pension agency to be 'mutualised'

By Jonathan Werran | 26 October 2011

Government plans to ‘mutualise’ the civil service pension agency represent ‘a backdoor to privati...

Councils to update PM's adoption drive

By Jonathan Werran | 24 October 2011

Local authorities to give updates on the numbers of children adopted, under new drive led by Davi...

Maude: Government property to drive local growth

By Jonathan Werran | 21 October 2011

Francis Maude vows departments will try to create development opportunities boosting local growth...

Suffolk hails Cadman as new chief

By Jonathan Werran | 20 October 2011

Suffolk County Council appoints Deborah Cadman as new permanent chief executive on £155k salary.

Jenkins slams NPPF as 'a charter for lawyers'

By Jonathan Werran | 19 October 2011

National Trust chairman, Sir Simon Jenkins, has warned MPs that language underpinning the controv...