Leeds City Council has awarded Veolia ES Aurora preferred bidder status for a contract to deliver...
MPs cast doubt on whether the Cabinet Office’s Efficiency and Reform Group (ERG) has local reach ...
What did we learn from Dr Fox's departure? Whitehall needs more SpAds and adequate vetting proced...
BIS conference to discuss cutting red tape to boost the economic and employment potential of ethn...
Sir Gus O’Donnell’s decision to retire after a 32-year career spanning the heights of the civil s...
Birmingham City Council joins ranks of councils obtaining credit ratings to access finance from a...
Figures obtained under Freedom of Information laws have revealed Glasgow City and Renfrewshire co...
Concerns over the levels of ‘set aside’ were expressed at the Local Government Association (LGA) ...
South Lakeland DC (SLDC) will negotiate directly with energy suppliers to slash residents’ electr...
Benefit rules preventing young people from volunteering for more than two days a week deemed ‘cou...
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