Author Profile

Chris Ames

Articles by Chris Ames

S Yorks 2017 mayoral election 'impossible' after court win

By Chris Ames | 21 December 2016

The High Court has blocked Sheffield city region’s devolution bid over the inclusion of Chesterfi...

Autumn Statement: Increased infrastructure investment from 2020

By Chris Ames | 23 November 2016

Philip Hammond will borrow to provide £23bn of ‘highly targeted’ funding for innovation over five...

May puts whole Government behind Northern Powerhouse

By Chris Ames | 21 September 2016

The prime minister has promised to put the 'whole machinery of government’ behind the Northern Po...

Derbyshire launches legal challenge against Chesterfield breakaway

By Chris Ames | 10 August 2016

Derbyshire CC has launched a legal challenge over plans by the Sheffield city region to include C...

Queen's Speech 2016: Mayoral combined authorities to get bus franchising powers

By Chris Ames | 18 May 2016

The much-anticipated Bus Services Bill will limit powers to franchise services to areas with dire...

Government accused of 'total shambles' over flooding cash bid

By Chris Ames | 13 April 2016

Labour has accused ministers of a ‘total shambles’ over their attempts to secure European Union (...

Chesterfield expected to stick with Sheffield

By Chris Ames | 01 April 2016

Councillors in Chesterfield have been asked to consider afresh which combined authority to join a...

Tees Valley combined authority created

By Chris Ames | 01 April 2016

The Tees Valley combined authority has formally come into existence but the area continues to neg...

Budget 2016: Government 'redoubles efforts to make Britain fit for future'

By Chris Ames | 16 March 2016

Chancellor George Osborne has announced funding for major transport infrastructure projects in th...

North Midlands optimistic despite Chesterfield exit

By Chris Ames | 04 March 2016

Chesterfield BC has voted to apply to join a devolution deal with the Sheffield city region despi...