Queen's Speech 2016: Mayoral combined authorities to get bus franchising powers

The much-anticipated Bus Services Bill will limit powers to franchise services to areas with directly-elected mayors.

The much-anticipated Bus Services Bill will limit powers to franchise services to areas with directly-elected mayors.

However, the Government has confirmed expectations that ‘London-style powers to franchise local [bus] services' will only be given to mayoral combined authorities.

Today's Queen's Speech also included measures to improve infrastructure and the digital economy while legislation will be introduced to facilitate the use of electric vehicles.

In his introduction to the document detailing of forthcoming government legislation, prime minister David Cameron said: ‘To back business, we will make sure Britain has first-class infrastructure, especially when it comes to the transport of the future.'

A Neighbourhood Planning and Infrastructure Bill will aim to reform and speed up the planning process and put the National Infrastructure Commission on a statutory footing.

Mr Cameron's pledge to make high-speed broadband a universal service obligation and help telecoms providers build the infrastructure needed for faster broadband and better mobile networks will be honoured through a Digital Economy Bill.



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