Author Profile

Chris Waterman

Articles by Chris Waterman

Footing the Bill

By Chris Waterman | 17 June 2015

Chris Waterman looks at the rhetoric and reality of the Education and Adoption Bill

Manifestly true?

By Chris Waterman | 20 April 2015

Chris Waterman unpicks the party manifestos to consider what role local authorities might be play...

Instead of Ofsted?

By Chris Waterman | 23 March 2015

Ofsted took a pounding last week with the publication of two highly critical reports into the Rot...

Putting the genie back in the bottle

By Chris Waterman | 25 February 2015

Chris Waterman writes on recent developments that have put personal, social, health and economic ...

Are children's services the fourth emergency solution?

By Chris Waterman | 09 January 2015

Chris Waterman analyses what the year ahead, either side of the General Election in May, has in s...

Don't de-couple the service

By Chris Waterman | 05 September 2013

Chris Waterman wonders if children’s services are next in line for nationalisation.

Not such a happy birthday

By Chris Waterman | 21 May 2013

Chris Waterman looks at the record of the coalition government on its third anniversary.

Pulling the plug on programmes in progress

By Chris Waterman | 01 May 2013

Chris Waterman looks at the unholy alliance between Michael Gove and Michael Wilshaw.

Exclusive: Must do better, Mr Gove

By Jonathan Werran | 08 November 2012

Senior MPs lambast DfE failings on children's care as inquiries expose UK-wide problems.

152 shades of localism

By Chris Waterman | 23 October 2012

Policy expert, Chris Waterman, goes through the looking glass to ponder curiouser effects of the ...