Author Profile

Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter

Andrew Carter is chief executive of the Centre for Cities

Articles by Andrew Carter

The first step on a long levelling up road.

By Andrew Carter | 20 October 2021

The Government cannot treat the levelling up White Paper’s publication as ‘job done’, and it will...

Be bold on devolution

By Andrew Carter | 06 September 2021

Rather than tinkering around the edges of devolution, the Government should use the Levelling Up ...

Reaching net zero will be delivered at the local level

By Andrew Carter | 26 July 2021

While the Government has set a national goal, reaching net zero – and the changes that need to be...

Government must get education right to 'level up'

By Andrew Carter | 16 June 2021

How the Government manages school catch-up policy is closely linked to the levelling up agenda, s...

A post-election checklist for metro mayors

By Andrew Carter | 05 May 2021

Chief executive of Centre for Cities Andrew Carter looks at what metro mayors should focus on aft...

So when will Whitehall take a back seat?

By Andrew Carter | 13 April 2021

Andrew Carter says that with eight mayors up for election, after a year of centrally-mandated COV...

We need to be careful that we don't 'level down'

By Andrew Carter | 23 March 2021

If we are to build back better from COVID-19 then we can’t take our more prosperous cities for gr...

Chancellor must avoid a one-size-fits-all Treasury-led approach to recovery

By Andrew Carter | 10 February 2021

The chancellor's recovery plan must give local leaders the powers and resources to rebuild their ...

Vibrant high streets need vibrant cities and towns

By Andrew Carter | 07 December 2020

The fundamental cause of high street decline is simple: a lack of local spending power, says And...

Don't defund, side-line or worse still abolish metro-mayors

By Andrew Carter | 26 October 2020

While it may not realise it now, the Government needs powerful and prominent metro mayors if it i...